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  • 外教老师参观碧桂园总部中英双语心得时间:2020-10-26 来源: 作者:孔永逊

    I visited BGY Headquarters in Foshan on October 22, 2020 with about 40 other teachers and leaders from our school. Our first visit was the factory where all of the parts are made to create the robots.



    The factory is a modern marvel. The factory floor is open for guided tours. We visited each work station and learned about the various parts that are machined there. There is about 1 human worker per 6 machines in the factory. The automated factory has robots which act as couriers for tools and others parts which travel along the floor from station-to-station. We were not allowed to take photos in the factory to protect company secrets. This is the 2nd robot factory of our company, and it is extremely efficient. Every part of the process is tracked and displayed on a large data board. Everything from waste to temperature is tracked and displayed on the dashboard. Our next stop was a tour of the fully automated robotic restaurant.




    Robotic Restaurant


    The robotic restaurant features machines which cook food for guests and serve the guests through a unique system. Guests can order food on an APP. The kitchen robot cooks the food, then a service robot lifts the fish up to the ceiling. Other robots move the dish through tracks in the ceiling and drop the food down onto the guest’s table. The restaurant makes traditional Chinese dishes, and also can serve ice cream and coffee.




    The next stop was the tour of construction robots.



    Construction Robots


    The vision of our company is to eventually take away human labor from the construction of buildings. The reason to use robots in construction is to ensure quality is maintained, and to be more efficient (i.e. robots don’t need to stop working at night).





    Chairman Yang’s Speech


    The Chairman of our company is Mr. Yang Guoqiang. He gave a speech to our teachers, leaders, the freshman class of 2020, and the students from Guohua High School. His speech was about how he came from poverty to become a powerful businessman. He told us that we must keep fighting for our dream. He said if our goal is to go to Guangzhou, and we can’t get a train ticket, then we must go by bus. If we can’t go by bus, we must try to go by car. If we can’t go by car we should go by bike. If we can’t go by bike, we must walk. If we can’t walk we must crawl. Only one thing matters and that is to get to Guangzhou. This is his idea of hard work, which we all learned about. The next stop was the corporate offices and company museum.






    Corporate Offices & Museum


    We toured the corporate offices, which are in a beautiful building with lots of plants. We also went through the company’s history and museum. I learned about BGY’s different companies and businesses. I learned about the history of the company.







    I really enjoyed my visit. It was very special to see Uncle Yang in person. I enjoyed learning a lot about the company and its vision for the future. It was my honor to attend.


